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Pleite on Tour 2013/14

4.8. Jena (A, DFB)

17.8. Hoppelheim (H)

24.8. Berlin (A)

31.8. Braunschweig (H)

14.9. Dortmund (A)

21.9. Wer da? (H)

20.10. VfB (H)

2.11. Gladbach (H)

24.11. H96 (H)

29.11. Wolfsburg (A)

3.12. Köln (H, DFB)

26.1. Schalke (H)

8.2. Hertha (H)

12.2. FCB (H, DFB)

22.2. BVB (H)

8.3. Eintracht (H)

26.3. Freiburg (H)

4.4. Leverkusen (H)

12.4. H96 (A)

3.5. FCB (H)

10.5. Mainz (A)

15.5. Fürth (H)

18.5. Fürth (A)



10. Jul. 2006

Now that the world cup is over, weallspeakfootball.com is over, too. So it’s time to take a look back.

Before I stepped into the Coke flat for the first time I was a bit dubious. I didn’t know if I’d like the people, if I could stand sharing a flat with people I hardly know and how everything would work. Of course I had also heard about some bloggers taking the piss out of the project I was about to join.

From the moment when I first entered the flat, I somehow felt at home. I don’t know why, because normally I love being the lonesome wolf, living alone, rarely going out… But in the past 4 weeks, I totally changed. I met a whole bunch of people from all over the world. Some of them I’ve known before as a blogger. Most of them I’ve never heard of. But they had all one thing in common besides their love for the game: They were friendly, open minded and a lot of fun to hang around with.

In the past 4 weeks, I got used to sharing not even a flat, but also my thoughts. I got used to heading home from work and visiting the current bloggers at least every second day.

Like Markus already mentioned – I had expected to meet some real nerds. We all were kind of geeks, of course. But besides our blogs, vlogs and podcasts, we knew how to get to know new people and to have a got time in real life.

Well. Now everything is over. I am one of the few ones who will stay in Berlin. The flat is already empty, the furniture’s gone, I will never ever sit on that fabulous rooftop again. Damn, I’m gonna miss that so much. I’m gonna miss all you Coke bloggers that much – no matter what other people say.

The slogan of this years World Cup was “A Time To Make Friends” – and that’s exactly what we did.

I will never forget this World Cup, it’ll always be something special to me.

Thanks to all those wonderful people I got to know in the last 4 weeks and thanks for letting me be a part of the whole project. Let’s stay in touch and hopefully there will be a Coke flat in Vienna in 2008. Or maybe someone starts a similar project before.

Sorry Bryan, I have to steal a few lines of your famous lyrics… Even if some of you out there might call it cheesy.

Oh when I look back now
That tournament seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya, I’d always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
Back in the summer of 2006

10 Kommentare »

  1. HERZ schreibt:

    Auch wenn ich nicht in der Coke Flat war, kann ich die Zeilen gut nachvollziehen.
    Wirklich schön geschrieben und ich kann nur sagen, dass ich diese ganze WM-Atmosphäre auch ziemlich vermissen werde.

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  2. Ilona schreibt:

    Find ich auch – schön geschrieben, man kann sich richtig vorstellen, wie cool das war. Sei nicht traurig – diese Zeit kann Dir keiner mehr nehmen, und die EM naht – vielleicht lässt sich da ja wirklich etwas Ähnliches starten.
    Ich freu mich jetzt darauf, dass bald die neue Saison losgeht! Wann kommste?!

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  3. Ilona schreibt:

    Richtig, das hatten wir ja schon geklärt, fällt mir gerade auf. Ich leide schon unter Gedächtnislücken ;-) zuviel gesoffen während der WM…

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  4. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    *lach* Ich auch, ich auch. Ach, ich komm vielleicht schon viel früher. Lyssa in Hamburg besuchen, bevor sie zur WAZ geht, und so.

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  5. Bradfields schreibt:

    Better Bryan Adams than David Hasselhoff 80P

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  6. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Haha. MC Winkel just made this Celebrity-Look-Alike-Test at myheritage.com – and they told him he looked like David Hasselhoff. :-)

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  7. Bradfields schreibt:

    Hadn’t seen that site before. Just did mine and it came out as some old fellah I’ve never heard of. I did use a dodgy blurred photo where I have a shaved head though so it may not have been an accurate test.

    Now that you mention the similarity…I’ve never seen MC Winkel and David Hasselhoff in the same room at the same time….have you???

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  8. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Hm. No, you’re right!
    But if MC and Hassel the Hoff are ONE person… I should have brought my red baywatch-like swimming suit and we could have filmed a Baywatch-sequel…

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  9. MC Winkel schreibt:

    Brad, I think I´ll have to smack yo tiny lil´ ass!
    You wasn´t allowed to tell this – now everybody knows…
    SUCKER! :)

    11. Jul. 2006 | #

  10. AMD Notebooktester » Die Webcam: Ich habe mir ein Bild gemacht schreibt:

    [...] In meiner Zeit in der Coca Cola-WG von weallspeakfootball habe ich nämlich festgestellt, daß vloggen ziemlich Spaß macht. Ich habe mit kindlicher Freude die Kamera gehalten, wenn GabeMac aus dem Stadion vom Spiel Ecuador- Deutschland live „gevloggt“ hat und war begeistert von dem, was die Vlogger so vollbracht haben. [...]

    1. Aug. 2006 | #

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