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Pleite on Tour 2013/14

4.8. Jena (A, DFB)

17.8. Hoppelheim (H)

24.8. Berlin (A)

31.8. Braunschweig (H)

14.9. Dortmund (A)

21.9. Wer da? (H)

20.10. VfB (H)

2.11. Gladbach (H)

24.11. H96 (H)

29.11. Wolfsburg (A)

3.12. Köln (H, DFB)

26.1. Schalke (H)

8.2. Hertha (H)

12.2. FCB (H, DFB)

22.2. BVB (H)

8.3. Eintracht (H)

26.3. Freiburg (H)

4.4. Leverkusen (H)

12.4. H96 (A)

3.5. FCB (H)

10.5. Mainz (A)

15.5. Fürth (H)

18.5. Fürth (A)



6. Nov. 2006


That’s a snippet taken from the German TV Show “Wetten dass…?” (You bet!). The two guys contract (and relax) their muscles in time with songs, only they can hear – and the third guy guesses, what song they are listening to.

So that’s what tits are for…?

15 Kommentare »

  1. André schreibt:

    Your headline is misleading. If this were for us (the guys), there’d be women doing… whatever you call what they’re doing. ;-)

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  2. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Gnarf. You’re just jealous because you can’t do that…

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  3. André schreibt:

    I don’t care what some random guys can do. Can *you* do it?

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  4. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Am I a man??

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  5. André schreibt:

    I wouldn’t want to make a final decision about that without some thorough testing ;-)

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  6. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Phew, you’re as bold as brass today. I need to think about my counterattack a bit longer this time… But I’m already curious who’s gonna join you (and who already had enough thorough testing *g*)

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  7. miro schreibt:

    Simply crazy shit

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  8. Million Dollar Link Experiment schreibt:

    haha, i’m not sure if it’s more funny or creepy. Probably creepy

    6. Nov. 2006 | #

  9. Steve schreibt:

    What fantastic entertainment, is this a show you actually watch ?!!?

    I would have to agree with Andre that you need to prove that you can or can’t do it too

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

  10. André schreibt:

    Bold as brass? Have you been using Leo to translate whole sentences again? ;-)

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

  11. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    @ Steve: Nope. The host of the show is too annoying. Besides, I was in Cologne Saturday night and out for a concert.
    How about… You guys prove it first?? (Damn, I’m really trapped…)

    @ André: Well, eh… Shit. You got me :-)

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

  12. André schreibt:

    I know I do ;-)

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

  13. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Pffff. Was heißt denn “eingebildeter Fatzke” auf englisch? ;-)

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

  14. Steve schreibt:

    Fatzke means Fop in english a quick Google search tells me


    –noun a man who is excessively vain and concerned about his dress, appearance, and manners.

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

  15. pleitegeiger schreibt:

    Whoa. I’m really impressed :-)

    7. Nov. 2006 | #

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